
My name is Chidinma, am 17 years old. during my 6 weeks counseling course with Cossy consult I have learnt to always apologize when ever I am wrong and not to talk back at my elders. The class has benefited me in no small way, I have learnt to associate my self with the right people and how to be responsible.


My name is Daniel , I am 14 years old. the peer pressure class was my best class, I have learnt how to use my will power and to be confident when am under pressing from my friends. I always looked forward to our classes because it’s always fun and interactive


Los Angeles
My name is David, I am 14 years old. During our counseling hub I have learnt to respond to situations, to always speak to my conscience. How to put my emotions and feelings under control. I learnt to pay more attention to my spiritual life too.


My name is Decency , I am 15 years old. With cossy teens consult I have learnt how to be more careful with my Academics, friends, money the use of phone and to be more prayerful. Also how to politely express my self. Our classes has been fun.


My name is Emmanuel, am 17 years old, I have really had issues with apologizing and being sorry, but our classes has changed me to be humble and apologize. I have learnt to speak to my emotions and have temper control towards misunderstandings. I have learnt to be careful about friends and peer pressure.


My name is Nmesoma , I am 12 years old, not a teen yet but my mum thought it wise I attend the counseling hub. I have learnt a lot especially on how to control my emotions especially about what you didn’t do you are accused of.


My name is Faith, I am 17 years old, My Aunty had always complained about my relationship with the opposite sex. During the Counseling Hub I learnt how to manage and control my emotions especially with the opposite sex, how to set boundaries not to make costly decisions that can affect me later.


My name is chibuike , I am 14 years old, It’s been beautiful and fun learning at Cossy teen consult . I have learnt to be more responsible for my self and taking care of my sister with or without my parents. To avoid bad friends and associate with people that can help me grow better.


My name is mirabel , I am 16 years old. I had a the privilege to attend a program where Aunty Oge spoke on pains and gains of the internet. The part I learnt so much about was when she spoke on pornography and it’s disadvantages. I got more scared to avoid pornography.

Fatima Mohammed

My name is Fatima Mohammed, I am 16 years old, During an outreach in my school Aunty Oge spoke on right use of our sexuality. I have learnt how to manage my feelings especially with the opposite sex to avoid regretting my actions.